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The Matthews Podcast – #4 – Healthcare Real Estate Strategies: Ways Physicians Can Leverage Their Real Estate
The Matthews Podcast | Episode 4 Healthcare Real Estate Strategies: Ways Physicians Can Leverage Their Real Estate In this episode of the Matthews™ Podcast, specialized agents discuss real strategies physicians should consider for their practice, including a sale leaseback. Your host, Matthews™ Market Leader, Matthew Wallace is joined by CRE experts Michael Moreno, Rahul Chhajed, […]
Is Supply Still Constrained?
New commercial real estate construction is limited as inflation continues to put barriers on building material acquisition yet simultaneously drives the value of existing properties. According to Trading Economics, the current inflation rate sits at 8.5 percent as of March 2022. Experts predict that the record growth in industrial and multifamily in 2021 cannot be sustained into […]
How Southeast Multifamily Market is Performing in 2022
Thanks to its affordability and business-friendly environment, the Southeast continues to see an expanding population and job market. These fundamentals drive apartment demand and rent growth, with the most significant increases posted in Fort Lauderdale, recording 21.3 percent year-over-year growth. Occupancies in major markets throughout the region range from 92.2 percent (Birmingham) to 96.3 percent (Fort […]
Miami, FL Multifamily Market Report
Miami reigns as a destination hotspot for domestic and international travelers. Despite the market taking a significant hit at the onset of the pandemic, Miami is recovering as travelers return to vacationing. The Miami-Dade County is one of the ten largest in the U.S. by population. Employment is well above the pre-pandemic peak in […]
NNN Cap Rates Have Continued to Compress, Inflation Could Change That
Voracious appetite for net-lease product has propped up values, but if inflation continues to push the 10-Year Treasury up, cap rates will follow. Commercial real estate isn’t exempt from the effects of inflation—no business is, but in this industry, it typically manifests in two places, both as a positive and a negative. The positive effect […]
Why Invest in Cleveland
According to the World Population Review, Cleveland is the second-largest city in Ohio, with a population of 374,394. Once a manufacturing hub, Cleveland’s growth was primarily driven by the industrial sector. Now that manufacturing has shifted overseas and is facing headwinds due to disrupted supply chains and labor shortages caused by COVID-19, Cleveland has […]
How to buy real estate in the metaverse
Here’s How to Claim Your Stake in the Metaverse The metaverse is a hot topic as of late. While some believe it may already be too late to enter the game, we’ve constructed a guide on how to claim your stake in the ever-evolving and growing metaverse. While there is no immediate benefit to buying […]
How Women Are Evolving CRE
Before the pandemic, women accounted for the majority of the entire workforce, but global health crisis set back this milestone. In the male-dominated commercial real estate industry, females represent 36.7 percent of brokers, according to a 2020 study by CREW Network. Female brokers have to work three times as hard as their male counterparts. The […]
Florida Retail Market Report
Originally struggling due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Miami retail has bounced back with a vengeance. Out-of-state investors, specifically from New York and California are driving activity throughout the metro and the state. The returned demand for retail space has helped Miami lower its vacancy rate to a healthy 3.4 percent in the past few […]